Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wedding Shoes

If there are three things in this world that I would not mind spending on, it would be food, car and shoes. My husband and I share the addiction to shoes... maybe that's one of the reasons why we get along. Lol. For a guy, my husband owns too many shoes. Unbelievable right? He's definitely not the one sneaker, one leather shoe kind of guy.  I think he owns more pairs of Jordans than the number of pairs of shoes I have here at home and in Manila combined. Those are just the Jordans, mind you... there's a lot more other brands of shoes in his closet.  I would sometimes joke him that I am going to sell his Jordans on ebay if we run out of wedding funds. Lol.

He still finds it funny when we Pinoys call sneakers or basketball shoes as "rubbershoes".  Yeah, never ask a mall saleslady for a pair of rubbershoes!  It's sneakers, kicks or more specific usage of shoes such as basketball shoes, running shoes, crosstrainers, etc. but never "rubbershoes"!

So... imagine how long I searched for the perfect blue wedding shoes. I initially wanted a Nine West pair because they make super comfy heels that I sometimes forget I am a "tsinelas" and flats kind of gal.  I went to several stores but never found the blue pair that I wanted. They even ran out of my size online. =(  When I went to the Philippines in November and had to meet-up with our photographer at Rockwell Powerplant Mall, I chanced upon a store and found THE SHOES.  It was instant love!  It was the last pair on my size so I thought, it's probably meant for me so I bought it.  Wedding shoes... Check!

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