Saturday, January 22, 2011

DIY #1: Save-the-Date Postcards

As what my husband would tell me... we made "tipids" on the save-the-date cards by using the postcards we bought from Manila. We planned of only sending them to our guests here in the US so they can start looking for a cheap flight to Manila, apply for their vacation leave from work, and decide if they can make it to our wedding.

On to the DIY part of this post... we utilized my ever dependable 3-year old Canon multi-function printer to print on to the postcards. I just did a template and did a test print on scratchpaper having the same size as that of the postcard. Took me 10mins tops to do this. Check out the photos below.

Early January, we finished compiling the addresses of our guests here in the US and we were able to mail the STDs. Thank God for a dependable USPS!

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