Thursday, September 2, 2010

This wedding preparation is addictive. Note to self... must stop browsing wedding websites during office hours. LOL. In my attempt to save money, I started making draft monograms for our wedding.  Lookie here:

Monogram #1: This was hub's first choice

Monogram #2: Hubs hasn't seen this yet since I finished it like 2mins ago

Monogram #3: I like this too! 

Monogram #4: Me likey this one!!! Need to get hub's approval though.

Now with the choices above, which one to use?!? I guess I'll have to ask people around which one looks better.


  1. Hi. Beej here. I like the first monogram. But, that's just me, minimalist kasi. :)

  2. thanks beej! naku pareho kayo ni hubs ng choice.
