Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Final Invite

Fine! I am not working during business hours!

I got this idea from a mexican restaurant's menu here in Glendale and so I thought I can use it for my invite since:
1. Originally, I wanted to incorporate Arizona on our wedding theme
2. Should also reflect nature in a sense

All of the choices below look similar.  I just need to figure out which one looks best.  Please help me decide which one to use.
Option 1: Blue on left, white on right

Option 2: Blue on right, white on left

Option 3: Blue paper all the way!

Option 4: White paper all the way!

Thank you in advance!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wedding Invite Drafts

I honestly think I have a future in graphic design. LOL.  Ok so the theme of the wedding is something that's nature inspired.  I originally wanted to do an Arizona or cactus theme but then I later on realized I don't want our  flowers to be all cactus.  Nature theme is the closest I can think of.

Presenting, the output of my boredom....

Study 1: I dont know what kind of flowers are those but they look nice. Pls message me if you know what these flowers are called.

Study 2: Vines

I really think I have a future in graphic design.  What do you think? If you want me to do a layout for your custom wedding invite, please message me and we'll see what I can do. =)

UPDATE: As of today, January 23, 2011, we're not using any of these existing invite layouts. New design coming up!

Friday, September 3, 2010

I want this gown!

Oh Monique, you had me at this dress...
Monique Lhuillier dress

Thursday, September 2, 2010

This wedding preparation is addictive. Note to self... must stop browsing wedding websites during office hours. LOL. In my attempt to save money, I started making draft monograms for our wedding.  Lookie here:

Monogram #1: This was hub's first choice

Monogram #2: Hubs hasn't seen this yet since I finished it like 2mins ago

Monogram #3: I like this too! 

Monogram #4: Me likey this one!!! Need to get hub's approval though.

Now with the choices above, which one to use?!? I guess I'll have to ask people around which one looks better.